Presentation at the ICAB of the research report on Gender Equality in the Legal Sector in Catalonia
On Thursday, April 21, 2022, it took place at the Barcelona Bar premisses the presentation of the Research Report on Gender Equality in the Legal Sector in Catalonia. This is a project led by the International Department of the Law Society of England and Wales in which the Women Lawyers Committee of the ICAB has participated.
The international manager of the Law Society, Lizzette Robleto de Howarth, and Andrea Accuosto, member of the Women Lawyers Committee of the ICAB and coordinator of the study in Barcelona, have presented the work carried out and the final report, entitled Analysis and Proposals of Catalonian women Lawyers to promote gender equality in the legal sector.
The event was chaird by the President of the Barcelona Bar Association, Jesús M. Sánchez, and was also attended by the president of the Bar Association's Women Lawyers Committee, Olga Arderiu, and the lawyer Teresa Blasi.
The president has highlighted one of the chapters of the report in which it is stated how important it is that men have a role as agents of change to generate transformative elements that make us move towards real equality.
The ICAB Women Lawyers Committee has actively collaborated in the preparation of this report to highlight, value and raise public awareness of the challenges that affect women lawyers -and jurists in general-, in the workplace. It also emphasizes the importance of promoting practices aimed at improving gender equality in the legal, judicial, and academic sectors.

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Analysis and Proposals of Catalonian Women Lawyers to Promote Gender Equality in the Legal Sector 2022