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Young Advocacy Group (GAJ Barcelona) | Young Advocacy Group (GAJ) | International

Review of VYP Barcelona. Co-organized by GAJ Barcelona, EYBA, ICAB, FAJEEC and JCI Catalunya

Special thanks to our sponsors SPEECHSTORMING and ROCA JUNYENT for their support in this event.

We are pleased to inform you that VYP Barcelona was a big success: we were honoured by the presence of several professionals from different sectors (doctors, architects, students, lawyers, businesspeople, etc.), different nationalities (Ukrainian, Russian, UK, German, Hungarian, Tunisian), and from different Spanish and Catalan cities (Madrid, Valencia, Sabadell, Granada, Igualada, Girona).

The topics addressed by the speakers were surely very useful for all the attendants. Let us share with you some of the conclusions of the meeting:

-    The significance of being active in social media to seek job opportunities, by keeping your professional profile updated, and making diligent use of it.   
-    Turn an economical crisis period into business opportunities, by adaptation to the current market situation.
-    There is no correct answer as to whether create your own business or be employed by others: it will depend on the advantages and disadvantages arising from the personal and professional situation of each person.
-    A good professional profile requires a balance between formation and experience. It is also important to be updated of any chances which may have an effect on us, directly or indirectly.
We had also the chance to improve our networking skills with all the advice provided during the presentation on Personal Brand and Networking.

And, finally, the closing dinner was held at Palau de la Musica, where we share our last impressions of the meeting in good company.  

We ended up exhausted but very glad and satisfied since all the effort has been worth it.

You can take a look at all the pictures taken during the meeting by the following Link:

We take the opportunity to encourage you to assists and take part in future meetings like this one, which are always so rewarding.

At last, we want to thank our sponsors:



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